Using advanced spectroscopic techniques, researchers from RWTH Aachen University have been able to observe for the first-time domains of tetralayer graphene with ABCB stacking. The results have been reported in ACS Nano.

Aachen Graphene & 2D Materials Center
From material science to new device applications
Using advanced spectroscopic techniques, researchers from RWTH Aachen University have been able to observe for the first-time domains of tetralayer graphene with ABCB stacking. The results have been reported in ACS Nano.
October 11, 2022, Prof. Steven Koester, from the University of Minnesota, has presented some of the latest results of his group on graphene-based bio-sensors during the 31th Aachen Graphene Center Seminar.
Continue reading “Enhancing Biosensor Response with Graphene “Lighting-Rods” – A talk by Prof. Steven Koester”