The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the list of new ERC Consolidator Grant holders. For the second time, Prof. Christoph Stampfer founding member of the “Aachen Graphene & 2D Materials Center” has been awarded an ERC Grant. After an ERC Starting Grant on “Graphene Quantum Electromechanical Systems” in 2011, he now receives a Consolidator Grant on “2D Materials for Quantum Technologies”.
Continue reading “ERC Consolidator Grant on “2D Materials for Quantum Technologies” for Christoph Stampfer”German Research Foundation (DFG) will support joint projects of RWTH University and AMO
German Research Foundation (DFG) will support joint projects of RWTH University and AMO
AMO GmbH and RWTH Aachen University will be funded in five sub-projects in the 2nd phase (2018-2021) of the Priority Programme “High Frequency Flexible Bendable Electronics for Wireless Communication Systems” (FFlexCom, SPP 1796) with about 1 million Euro. The joint activities will be carried out within the Aachen Graphene and 2D Materials Center. Continue reading “German Research Foundation (DFG) will support joint projects of RWTH University and AMO”
Researchers of RWTH Aachen and AMO report on the dielectric properties and ion transport in layered molybdenum sulphide (MOS2)
Researchers of RWTH Aachen University and AMO GmbH in collaboration with the Research Centre Jülich and the University of Siegen have investigated metal/molybdenum sulphide/silicon structures in order to understand the charge transport in such structures and to explore the possible potential of molybdenum sulphide to use as a dielectric in vertical heterostructured devices. The work was recently published in ACS Applied Nanomaterials (DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.8b01412). Continue reading “Researchers of RWTH Aachen and AMO report on the dielectric properties and ion transport in layered molybdenum sulphide (MOS2)”
RWTH and AMO researchers demonstrate nearly 100 % quantum efficiency in Graphene/Silicon Photodiodes
The Chair of Electronic Devices at RWTH Aachen University and AMO GmbH in collaboration with the University of Granada has experimentally demonstrated graphene/silicon (G/Si) photodiodes that reach nearly 100% quantum efficiency. The work was recently published in ACS Photonics and has been selected as ACS Editor’s Choice article, highlighting the importance of the research work. The work will also appear on a cover page of Journal. Continue reading “RWTH and AMO researchers demonstrate nearly 100 % quantum efficiency in Graphene/Silicon Photodiodes”
Workshop “Sensing with Graphene and 2-dimensional Materials” was held in Aachen with great success
Graphene shows unique potential to exceed bandwidth demands of future telecommunications
Graphene enables ultra-wide bandwidth communications coupled with low power consumption, with potential to surpass the needs of 5G, IoT and Industry 4.0.
Researchers within the Graphene Flagship project, one of the biggest research initiatives of the European Commission, showed that integrated graphene-based photonic devices offer a unique solution for the next generation of optical communications. Continue reading “Graphene shows unique potential to exceed bandwidth demands of future telecommunications”
Workshop “Sensing with graphene and 2-dimensional materials”
The workshop “Sensing with graphene and 2-dimensional materials” will take place at Forum M in the city center of Aachen, Germany from November 5-6, 2018. This workshop is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). For more detailed information please refer to the attached Flyer Sensor Workshop 2018.
Continue reading “Workshop “Sensing with graphene and 2-dimensional materials””
Graphene hears the ultrasound
The research team led by Gerard Verbiest and Christoph Stampfer at the Physics Department at the RWTH Aachen University, discovered a new possibility for ultrasound detection. The physicists fabricated a graphene resonator on a silicon substrate in a way that the device could be mounted onto an ultrasound transducer. For the first time, this allowed them to measure the responds of a graphene resonator to ultrasound propagating through the substrate. They achieved a resolution of 7 pm/√Hz by making use of the unique properties of graphene. As the resolution solely depends on the electronic properties of the graphene, they show that the detection also works away from any mechanical resonance of the suspended graphene. The new insights could be very useful for numerous sensing applications at the nanoscale. The research results have now been published in the scientific journal “Nano Letters”.
Recent Publication
Novel Types of Quantum Bits
The research team of Professor Markus Morgenstern, chair of experimental physics (solid state physics) at RWTH Aachen University, discovered new possibilities for quantum electronics, with the support of colleagues from the Technical University of Vienna and the University of Manchester. The physicists combined two ultrathin materials, namely graphene and Boron-Nitride, in a way which makes it possible to switch individual electrons between two states. For the first time, this allowed them to invert the so-called valley degree of freedom of the electron. The new discovery could be useful for advanced information processing. The research results have now been published in the scientific journal ‟Nature Nanotechnology”.