Experts from all over Europe gathered in Aachen to discuss the challenges of wafer-scale integration of 2D materials, in a workshop organized by AMO and the Aachen Graphene & 2D Materials Center.
The workshop took place on November 12-13, 2019, and counted about 100 participants, including many leading experts from European industry and academia. “These have been two days of open discussions on science and technology”, says Daniel Neumaier, one of the organizers, “where we have seen results from many European and BMBF projects.” “Integrating 2D materials into conventional electronic devices is an effort that requires input from very many perspectives, and event like these – with so many friends and colleagues – are always a catalyzers for new ideas and collaborations.” The workshop has been financially supported by the European Union via the projects G-IMAGER, QUEFORMAL, ORIGENAL and ULISSES, and by the German BMBF via the projects GIMMIK and NOBLENEMS.