Alwin Daus has been appointed Junior Professor at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) at University of Freiburg.

On June 1st, Prof. Alwin Daus has started a Tenure-Track Professorship at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) at University of Freiburg. Daus joined ELD in December 2021 from Stanford University, to work on neuromorphic devices based on 2D-materials within the Cluster NeuroSys. In 2022 he received an Emmy Noether grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG), to start his own independent junior research group.
“I would like to thank everyone for the great time the last 1.5 years here at ELD/AMO and I hope to stay in contact with many of you”, says Daus. “For now, my Emmy Noether group will remain at ELD, and move to Freiburg later, once the lab is sufficiently set up. I will also stay connected with the PhD students with whom there are ongoing projects, and we will complete them together. This will be the perfect basis also for future collaborations between our groups.”